Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Quotes that helped me through Life...

Wise words from such a good movie:

"For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."

-The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

“Everyone is always going through tough things, the irony in it is that everyone thinks what they're going through is just as hard as what you are. Life isn't about surviving this, it's about understanding this. ” 

-Nicholas Sparks

"Look not only to your interests, but also to the interests of others." -Phil 2:4

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Save a place for me, I'll be there soon...

I wanna live my life, just like you did
Make the most of my time, just like you did

-Matthew West

You wonder all the time why things happen. Why God let's things happen.
You wonder if you did something wrong. Or if someone else did something wrong.
But it doesn't matter whether you did anything wrong or right. 
It's all in God's plan. And we will never understand it in our physical form. 
Not until we get to Heaven.

My problems do not compare to some people's problems in this world.
And I forget that a lot.
I should be thankful for everything I have and am blessed with.

You don't know how much time you have left on this earth.

I had a supernatural God-moment the other night. It's rather long and if you would
like to know, I would love to tell you but I don't think I will write it here.
It is neither good nor bad. It just happened. 

I don't think I'm going to my formal tonight. It just hurts too much because it seems so insignificant in
comparison to what happened.

I have been slowly and slowly drifting from God with each passing day. And I've been in denial about 
it, I know.

Now I rededicate my life to Him and total surrender. No more making excuses or cutting corners.
Changing will be hard but I'm determined to do it.

Know your memory lives on Travis Eiler. <3

"For any one of us our forever could end in an hour, or a hundred years from now. You never know for sure, so you'd better make every second count.” -Sarah Dessen

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I feel like so many people pick the first two options.
And never even consider the third.
My last post was pretty depressing...I know.
That was probably the hardest couple weeks of my life. I probably
made some of the most hardest life changing decisions ever.
But I don't regret any of it.
I said some things I shouldn't have said but I think in the end it helped in the end more than it hurt.

Some people though don't seem to care how much I care about them. I show concern when they seem
to be hurting and what kind of response do I get? Nothing.
Well then so be it. See what happens when you actually need me.

I'm so happy now with the boy and how everything turned out. I really truly am so happy I found him
and can know he's there when I need him.
He's become another constant in my life that I can rely on.
I haven't had someone like that in a very long time.
I think my heart is not my own anymore. God and him both own a piece :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy :)

I haven't felt this happy in a long time :)
I'm dating somebody now, and no it isn't just because of him.
Ok maybe it kind of is.
He's super sweet & funny, likes the red sox, coffee & goes to church. I like him a lot and glad I found him. It was a real God-thing that we met each other. We actually went to Boone Hall last night on our date night. Well first we went to IHOP and had my favorite food everrr, chocolate chip pancakes! Then we went to Boone Hall  to see my first ever haunted house. It was soo much fun, I'm so glad we went. Then we came home and got to hang out with my housemates. It was a great night overall.

School is kind of tough though but not as bad as last year so I'm getting through it.

Fall break is right around the corner. I don't know where the time goes. I'll be super glad for the time off though.

Going to work on some homework, yes on a Saturday night. What an exciting life I lead haha :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Apples are scrumptious

"I knew that there were no guarantees. No way of knowing what came next for me, or him, or anybody. Some things don't last forever, but some things do. Like a good song, or a good book, or a good memory you can take out and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down the corners and peering in close, hoping you still recognize the person you see there." Sarah Dessen

Too many thoughts on a Tuesday night, way too many.

Think next time before you get angry. Is what you're getting angry about really that important?

Ready for a road trip.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I will find my strength in the shadow of your wings

Lovelovelove Third Day
Probably my favorite Christian artist. But I'm terrible about favorites, as a lot of people point out, I have too many.
So life right now is pretty amazing :)
Last month was absolutely terrible but with the help of God, my family & friends, I managed to get through it. In case you didn't know, I was taking organic 2 and it was a killer.
Now things are SO much less stressful. Work is coming to an end. I have two more days of desk shifts :( How sad because I honestly and truly loved working summer conference. I loved talking to everyone who came in, assuring the incoming freshman that college is yes, scary at first but you will have the time of your life. I loved meeting everybody on the customer service staff and growing closer to them and everybody else. I loved the heart to heart chats I had with so many of them of serious and not-so-serious-laugh-til-we-cry conversations.
I've learned a lot this summer. Granted it wasn't the most 'exciting' summer trip-wise. I didn't really get to travel much but I did get to hang out with friends and go on some local trips. The harry potter premiere with Katie and everybody else working DT was immensely fun. I cried, won't lie :) Beach trips with Katie, Kayla and Joseph. Flea market with Katie and David. The annual trip to the beach with Dad and David. Learning and trying out new recipes. Exploring more of Charleston. Growing from the really depressing moments and accepting that you will never be able to change certain things. Moving on, finally.
I do wish I could have traveled home a little bit more. I haven't been home now in about a month and a half :( I miss my family, Tori, and my second family, and my other friends.
I'm super super super excited about rush though! Even though that has caused me a little stress, with the schedule and things to buy and whatnot. And for everybody to come back!! I miss all my friends. I believe this year should be amazing. I also turn the big 2-0 in 12 twelve days! No longer a teenager!
Please pray for me that I will make good decisions & stay true to my quiet times, I've been struggling with those lately. Love you all!

Friday, June 3, 2011

"Some kind of magic
happens late at night
When the moon smiles down on me
& bathes me in it's light"

I think this is one of those turning points in life that you actually recognize.

I'm at work right now and just finished watching the movie Keith. It was a superb movie albeit a tad bit sad. I've been thinking a lot of life and more of the effects my decisions have on my long term future. I'm finally realized that some people were really not made to be in my long term life. It wasn't God's plan. They came to teach a lesson and left. I have finally come to terms and felt at peace with this.

I am more cautious now than I was a few years ago, even last year. It's a good thing and a bad thing. It makes me rethink my decisions more carefully but then it takes me longer to open up to new people and ideas.

Life is fleeting and since I'm on the young side, I should live it to the fullest. I shouldn't be overly worrying about the future but then I shouldn't be totally disregarding it either because that would just be foolish and immature.

I've made a lot of observations and decisions lately. I've come to enjoy the little things in life because those are the things you will always remember. And the things you didn't do.

Well just some nightly ramblings, hope everyone is doing well<3

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I've finally made it, home.

"And all the questions that I swore I would ask
Words won't just come yet
So amazed at what I've seen
So much more than this old mind can hold
When I finally make it home"

MercyMe is one of my favorite Christian artists, along with Third Day. They always can up my mood :) Well I'm finally heading home tomorrow (hence the song haha) but then I've come to the realization that in some ways I've already made Charleston my home. Well I refer to it as "home" a lot. But then, upon further thought, home isn't exactly where I am, it's what I make of it. I like to travel and I think it is because I can pretty much feel at home everywhere, especially when I'm outside, because I can feel God's presence everywhere. And Him to me, is home. So really no matter where I am, I feel comfortable because I know He is there with me.

I'm exciting to see my family and Victoria! Hopefully I'll be able to wash my car when I get there because it hasn't seen soap and water in MONTHS and it's bothering me to no end. Plus I think AGH, Rachel, Tori & I are going to see Kings Last Shot Friday night at Aroma so I'm pretty pumped about that. Coffee + music = night made. I did find out some other news though that I'm trying not to think about because I shouldn't and it's making me sad.

Well off to bed now because I have the early shift + I have to drive. Night all :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh happy days :D

You washed my sin away!
I finally got to attend the Newspring campus in Charleston this morning and man was it uplifting and I'm super glad I got to go.

I think I'm going to turn my blog this summer into a food blog and document everything I make. Let me know if you want the recipes and I would be happy to send them!

Cinnamon swirl bread:

Homemade pizza dough + sauce:

More to come :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Halfway gone?

What? I'm halfway through college. This can't be true.
But sadly it is. Time flies by way too fast and I wish it would slow down.
My past two years at CofC and been way too much fun and I know they will only get better. I remember how uncertain and lost I felt my first year here. Now I feel so at home its crazy.
I'm actually working with the school over the summer so I get to stay in Charleston for the entire summer.
Pretty exciting right?
Look out everyone, Ginny is going to be tannnn by the end of the summer (hopefully)!

So remember how I vowed I wouldn't date my soph year cuz I knew how busy I would be and how complicated things would get it? Well I stayed single for the entire year but now I'm wishing I had someone in my life to take me out on dates and such. There is someone in mind, but who knows if that will go anywhere.

I'm currently babysitting the sweetest little girl ever. She's asleep so I'm watching Star Wars. I'm kinda falling asleep. Tomorrow I have to get up at 530 to go to work then head back home because the Darlington race is tomorrow night! I'm super excited for that.

Well just thought I'd type a quick end of the year update, hope everyone is doing well :)

"You're asking me to be rational. That is something I cannot do. Believe me, I wish I could just wish away my feelings, but I can't." -Star Wars

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Life is Good

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote inspires me so much because it emphasizes how important friends are and a friendship in general. Without my friends (and God of course) I do not know how I would have gotten through some of the situations I've been in. Each one of my friends is different and that's what's so amazing. If I had friends that were all the same, I would not have gotten such a variety of advice and done so many different things throughout the years.

I've had so many people drift in and out of my life and people that have been constant and there almost from the start. I think this is what has kept me happy all my life. I've been so blessed and my friends are a major part of that blessing. My life would not be as enjoyable without them. I would not have done so many crazy things or been brave enough to try new things.

I've definitely had my ups and downs with every single person I've been friends with. But if you've never fought with your best friend then something is wrong. If you've never had a disagreement then you aren't opening yourself up fully to them and showing them your flaws. I've almost felt like the more I disagree with someone the more they come to know about me because I have to open myself up to them in order to resolve the problem.

Well these were just a few happy thoughts before physics. Hope everyone is having a splendid day :)

Another quote about friendship I enjoy,
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival" - CS Lewis

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Phi Mu<3

Big/Lil sister reveal was tonight!! I found out my big, Brooke :))) I was so excited.
I honestly love being in a sorority, it is so much better than what I expected. It's not just about the cute tshirts or the parties but the close knit bond you form with your sisters. It's so awesome. I love seeing someone from Phi Mu and just being able to wave at them in the street even if I have no idea who they are.
I've met so many girls in it that are so similar to me too, especially Brooke. We share so many similar interests, it's crazy.

I wish I could figure out the deal with boys though and what is going through a certain one's head.

I got to go home this weekend and see my little brother's prom!! He looked so handsome in his tux. I also got to see Tori and Andrew in their 20's prom attire. They looked adorable. I can't wait till I get to share my college experience with that girl, I miss her a lot. She's truly like my twin, I can connect and talk to her on so many different levels.

Well I am off to bed now, it's kinda late. Night all.

Monday, March 14, 2011

From one part of the state to the other...

Spring Break.
I seem to not have very good spring breaks.
Senior year was probably the best. I remember my three best friends and I took a day trip to the beach. That was a lot of fun.
Last year was something I'd rather not think about. Bleh.
This year was better, at least the beginning part of it. I went home Friday to Tuesday and got to chill with my family and friends. I went muddin with victoria & my second fam & the boys which was SO much fun. Probably the highlight of break.
Then I decided to go back to chas on wed because I wanted to hit up the beach and see Joseph.
As soon as I get back though, the weather turns gloomy. So that means, no beach.
And THEN I decide to go all crazy and flip on Joseph and totally ruined any chance of chillin with him. I've never ever ever flipped that bad on someone. I have no idea what came over me. I'm probably going to regret that for a long time.

I seemed to have reconciled with a certain someone from the past but we will see how long that will last.

School has gotten slightly better. I'm not stressing that much over it anymore.

I told myself recently that I was going to take a certain little kid named donohoe's philosophy and not care about anyone romantic-wise. But seeing everyone in their relationships, it makes me miss my really good one. I wish I could either forget about it entirely or just find that perfect someone now, without any hassle. Love is important and I think that by trying to cut myself off from it is doing more harm than help.

I had my interview last Thursday for my summer conference position here at the college. If I get it then that weight will be lifted from my shoulders because I really need a place to stay here so I can take my ochem2 class and not be behind. I know I am probably going to be immensely bored by myself in Charleston but it will be for the best and hopefully my friends will come visit me :)

I went to Sullivans this weekend and sat outside for wayyy too long and am so burntttt. Im kinda regretting it now hahah.

Well I believe it is bed now and I've been writing for the past four hours now. Goodnight :)

1 Cor. 13:13: "And now these three remain, faith, hope & love, but the greatest of these is love."

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand...

My life is pretty darn amazing right now.
I've had REALLY happy moments in my life but this is probably the longest period of time I've been happy consistently.
The people in my life are what truly make it. And the opportunities I've had, other things I've been blessed with.
I just really love my life right now.
It could be the weather getting warmer. The sunshine always makes me happy.
It could be because I'm doing better in school now. It could be the amazing girls I have in my life that keep me thinking positive and remind me I don't need a boyfriend to be happy. It could be my amazing best guy friend who listens to all my problems and goes on walks with me around Charleston. It could be my amazing sorority with all the sweet girls. It could be my amazing family and awesome God that's always there for me. It could be my house mates that always keep me laughing. It could just be being able to live in the wonderful holy city of Charleston.
Or it could just be life overall.
Whatever it is, it shouldn't end cuz I like it like this :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Rollar Coaster ride

Sometimes I really miss the past, certain people in it. I wish that somehow I could get it back.
But it won't happen.
And then I get so jealous so easily of those who get to go back and keep things the same.
Why can't I do that?
Or those who are just absolutely content with where they are now and see no need to go back.
Why can't I be like them?
When you're close to someone or a bunch of someones, it's hard to remember that you aren't
that way anymore. Hard to remember you can't call or text anymore just cuz you feel like it. Or say hey on the street with no weirdness between you guys.
And then the question that I would LOVE the answer to is why? Why does it have to be that way?
I'm more than willing to work things out but no, harsh words were exchanged which means I can
never be friends with you anymore.
It's sad and it makes me sad.
I hate feeling this way.

Onnnn a happier note haha. I'm sorry that was so depressing, I just keep thinking about it more & more lately. I got to hang out with my best frannnn this weekend (Victoria). She drove ALL the way to chas by herself to spend three days with me :) I got to introduce her to all my friends here and we got to do some crazy stuff (like hang with the citadel guys sat night, haha!) She is truly an amazing sweet person and I am so glad God blessed me with her. I know I can pretty much text her any problem I have and she will be there for me in a instant. She's one of the few in my life like that.

My other amazinggg friend here who I give SUCH a hard time is Joseph! I tease him about a lot of stuff....but he gives it back to me 10x worse. JUST KIDDING! He really isn't that mean. Only sometimes. He did walk around with me when my pats lost the playoffs game :(
But yes, we met at work and for someee reason I keep hanging out with him, haha! I think he's become another one of those few people I can talk about anything with with no judgement. It's hard to find someone like that. So many people like to judge nowadays which I don't understand. I feel like people need to be more open minded.
Sadly though we don't work together this semester but he got stuck with me in one of my classes so I see him every day regardless. I'm glad I have him in my life too. He listens to a lot of my crap. (and vice versa ;) )
He drew an amazing picture for me that has an inside joke but we won't say that on here because then it wouldn't be special now would it?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter Break

So I knew this winter break was going to be a lot different than winter break last year.
But mannnn was it fun!
I got to hang out with my family at the beginning of break. I got to chill with my sissies and spend time with them. Baking bread with my grandma is something I look forward to every year, along with baking cookies. I'm actually tearing up thinking about how much I just love spending time with my family and how I will miss them once I go back to Chas. There's nothing like the comfort of home and sitting down and enjoying a cup of coffee with one another. I'll also miss move nights with dad and him making fun of me and how I lost my communicator ringtone. Cruising around with David making him play Hotel California over & over.
My family is amazing :)
Chilling with my friends was interesting to say the least (at least for some nights) but entirely way too much fun. I didn't get to spend that much time with everyone though and certain people I wasn't able to see which I regret but I promise I'll make time to see them when I come home next time. The Charleston trip with morg & tori was probably by far one of my favorite road trips. Venturing around my favorite city and taking so many pictures was just a few crazy things we did. Hitting on the mellow mushroom guy and leaving our phone numbers. Then to top it off, spending the next three days/nights with those two, hahah! Sleepovers at toris are always fun no matter what. Talking oh so loudly why joshua is trying to sleep and all our inside jokes we have but can probably not remember now. (except for pushpop!) Driving around with christopher and the little kid, hanging out at the park like sketchy kids but still having fun doing it. Hearing tori complain about how much she missed her andrew and then finally being with him when he came home and seeing how cute they are, how they have fought and preserved their relationship for the past three years inspires me. Having dance marathons at the bean and making fools of ourselves but laughing at every second of it. Pretty much spending every single second we had free and when we had money at the bean. Getting to meet new friends. Losing my head for one weekend (not in a terrible way, promise) I just sincerely love every single one of my friends and wouldn't trade them for the world and I really thank God for each one of them.
I just really really enjoyed this break and am going to miss it so so so much. I'm ready to get back to Charleston though and start school back. I hope each one of you had a wonderful break too :)