Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I will find my strength in the shadow of your wings

Lovelovelove Third Day
Probably my favorite Christian artist. But I'm terrible about favorites, as a lot of people point out, I have too many.
So life right now is pretty amazing :)
Last month was absolutely terrible but with the help of God, my family & friends, I managed to get through it. In case you didn't know, I was taking organic 2 and it was a killer.
Now things are SO much less stressful. Work is coming to an end. I have two more days of desk shifts :( How sad because I honestly and truly loved working summer conference. I loved talking to everyone who came in, assuring the incoming freshman that college is yes, scary at first but you will have the time of your life. I loved meeting everybody on the customer service staff and growing closer to them and everybody else. I loved the heart to heart chats I had with so many of them of serious and not-so-serious-laugh-til-we-cry conversations.
I've learned a lot this summer. Granted it wasn't the most 'exciting' summer trip-wise. I didn't really get to travel much but I did get to hang out with friends and go on some local trips. The harry potter premiere with Katie and everybody else working DT was immensely fun. I cried, won't lie :) Beach trips with Katie, Kayla and Joseph. Flea market with Katie and David. The annual trip to the beach with Dad and David. Learning and trying out new recipes. Exploring more of Charleston. Growing from the really depressing moments and accepting that you will never be able to change certain things. Moving on, finally.
I do wish I could have traveled home a little bit more. I haven't been home now in about a month and a half :( I miss my family, Tori, and my second family, and my other friends.
I'm super super super excited about rush though! Even though that has caused me a little stress, with the schedule and things to buy and whatnot. And for everybody to come back!! I miss all my friends. I believe this year should be amazing. I also turn the big 2-0 in 12 twelve days! No longer a teenager!
Please pray for me that I will make good decisions & stay true to my quiet times, I've been struggling with those lately. Love you all!

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