Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Rollar Coaster ride

Sometimes I really miss the past, certain people in it. I wish that somehow I could get it back.
But it won't happen.
And then I get so jealous so easily of those who get to go back and keep things the same.
Why can't I do that?
Or those who are just absolutely content with where they are now and see no need to go back.
Why can't I be like them?
When you're close to someone or a bunch of someones, it's hard to remember that you aren't
that way anymore. Hard to remember you can't call or text anymore just cuz you feel like it. Or say hey on the street with no weirdness between you guys.
And then the question that I would LOVE the answer to is why? Why does it have to be that way?
I'm more than willing to work things out but no, harsh words were exchanged which means I can
never be friends with you anymore.
It's sad and it makes me sad.
I hate feeling this way.

Onnnn a happier note haha. I'm sorry that was so depressing, I just keep thinking about it more & more lately. I got to hang out with my best frannnn this weekend (Victoria). She drove ALL the way to chas by herself to spend three days with me :) I got to introduce her to all my friends here and we got to do some crazy stuff (like hang with the citadel guys sat night, haha!) She is truly an amazing sweet person and I am so glad God blessed me with her. I know I can pretty much text her any problem I have and she will be there for me in a instant. She's one of the few in my life like that.

My other amazinggg friend here who I give SUCH a hard time is Joseph! I tease him about a lot of stuff....but he gives it back to me 10x worse. JUST KIDDING! He really isn't that mean. Only sometimes. He did walk around with me when my pats lost the playoffs game :(
But yes, we met at work and for someee reason I keep hanging out with him, haha! I think he's become another one of those few people I can talk about anything with with no judgement. It's hard to find someone like that. So many people like to judge nowadays which I don't understand. I feel like people need to be more open minded.
Sadly though we don't work together this semester but he got stuck with me in one of my classes so I see him every day regardless. I'm glad I have him in my life too. He listens to a lot of my crap. (and vice versa ;) )
He drew an amazing picture for me that has an inside joke but we won't say that on here because then it wouldn't be special now would it?

1 comment:

  1. aweee ginnyyy! i lovee this blog! i almost cried. i could "like" it if i could! ;D
