Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Monday, March 14, 2011

From one part of the state to the other...

Spring Break.
I seem to not have very good spring breaks.
Senior year was probably the best. I remember my three best friends and I took a day trip to the beach. That was a lot of fun.
Last year was something I'd rather not think about. Bleh.
This year was better, at least the beginning part of it. I went home Friday to Tuesday and got to chill with my family and friends. I went muddin with victoria & my second fam & the boys which was SO much fun. Probably the highlight of break.
Then I decided to go back to chas on wed because I wanted to hit up the beach and see Joseph.
As soon as I get back though, the weather turns gloomy. So that means, no beach.
And THEN I decide to go all crazy and flip on Joseph and totally ruined any chance of chillin with him. I've never ever ever flipped that bad on someone. I have no idea what came over me. I'm probably going to regret that for a long time.

I seemed to have reconciled with a certain someone from the past but we will see how long that will last.

School has gotten slightly better. I'm not stressing that much over it anymore.

I told myself recently that I was going to take a certain little kid named donohoe's philosophy and not care about anyone romantic-wise. But seeing everyone in their relationships, it makes me miss my really good one. I wish I could either forget about it entirely or just find that perfect someone now, without any hassle. Love is important and I think that by trying to cut myself off from it is doing more harm than help.

I had my interview last Thursday for my summer conference position here at the college. If I get it then that weight will be lifted from my shoulders because I really need a place to stay here so I can take my ochem2 class and not be behind. I know I am probably going to be immensely bored by myself in Charleston but it will be for the best and hopefully my friends will come visit me :)

I went to Sullivans this weekend and sat outside for wayyy too long and am so burntttt. Im kinda regretting it now hahah.

Well I believe it is bed now and I've been writing for the past four hours now. Goodnight :)

1 Cor. 13:13: "And now these three remain, faith, hope & love, but the greatest of these is love."

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