Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Friday, May 6, 2011

Halfway gone?

What? I'm halfway through college. This can't be true.
But sadly it is. Time flies by way too fast and I wish it would slow down.
My past two years at CofC and been way too much fun and I know they will only get better. I remember how uncertain and lost I felt my first year here. Now I feel so at home its crazy.
I'm actually working with the school over the summer so I get to stay in Charleston for the entire summer.
Pretty exciting right?
Look out everyone, Ginny is going to be tannnn by the end of the summer (hopefully)!

So remember how I vowed I wouldn't date my soph year cuz I knew how busy I would be and how complicated things would get it? Well I stayed single for the entire year but now I'm wishing I had someone in my life to take me out on dates and such. There is someone in mind, but who knows if that will go anywhere.

I'm currently babysitting the sweetest little girl ever. She's asleep so I'm watching Star Wars. I'm kinda falling asleep. Tomorrow I have to get up at 530 to go to work then head back home because the Darlington race is tomorrow night! I'm super excited for that.

Well just thought I'd type a quick end of the year update, hope everyone is doing well :)

"You're asking me to be rational. That is something I cannot do. Believe me, I wish I could just wish away my feelings, but I can't." -Star Wars

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