Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Faith.. the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

It's been placed on my heart to talk about why I believe in Christianity or why I choose to be a Christian.
Being a Christian is based of faith; of believing in the unseen, putting total trust in something you can not touch, can not feel.
But I do not necessary agree with that.
Many ask the age old question "Where is the physical proof? I need to see something to believe in what you're telling me or else I can't accept it."
Many respond with "Well it is written in the Bible so there's your physical proof."
"But how do I know the Bible is telling the truth?"
Well, let's put aside the Bible as our only physical proof. I'm not saying that the Bible isn't the most important thing but let's talk about some other physical proof.
What?! There's other physical proof??
Yes there is. Or at least I believe there is.
My "physical" proof is everything around me. You look around and see this amazing nature and everything that occurs in nature. The human race. How complicated our bodies are, how no ones been able to create a human out of anything that is not human.
Well yes but evolution/the big bang could account for all of that also.
Yes, I see that but if that is true, why isn't that happening somewhere else? Why isn't there other planets appearing out of a nothing and people evolving?
My other "physical" proof:
Actions. How is it that every Christian that you meet, is super friendly & always willing to help? I'm talking a true Christian that strives to live their life to the best of their ability every day by God's word. Theres nothing in the Bible that says anything negative Christians should do or do devious minded things or to shove Christianity down peoples throats. No. Basically it provides a set of rules that Christians should live by. It doesn't say "Dont have fun" like a lot of people seem to think it does. Christians can still have fun while living by God's word. It isn't an oxymoron.

But that's mainly it, I just wanted to mention a few things I believe in, need to head to bed pretty soon. Good night everyone :)

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