Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010, you were here & then gone.

The year has flown by. I think this has probably been the most diverse year I have had in my whole life with so many life changing events.
If I could tell myself some things this same time last year, this is what they would be...

+Don't hurry for the spring semester to end. It will end sooner than you think...and you'll miss it.

+Try & stay civil to your old friends or else you will get to a point where you've been friends for five years, see each other in the street & don't even look at each other.

+Hunger after God. DON'T use him to your advantage. Chase after Him every day.

+Be nicer to your boyfriend. He loves you & you give him too much crap over stupid things. Otherwise you will lose your best friend & you won't speak for almost an entire year.

+Don't tell your parents everything. They always want what is best but sometimes not knowing every single detail of your life is better (as long as it isn't something crazy).

+Try and limit the crazy part of being a girl & getting upset over little things. You will get into too many fights with people that you should have never got into in the first place.

+You're going to have a crazy summer but don't go looking for love in so many places just because your heart is broken. It won't fix it. Only time will & even then you won't forget entirely.

+Do more spontaneous things. They will be the things you remember most about your college days.

+Spend more time with your girlfriends instead of studying. You're going to fail ochem anyway & have to retake it spring semester.

+Don't hold back from revealing what is on your heart. It will help that person even if it hurts them a little.

+Go to more CRU events. Make it a point to talk to more people. Go ice skating.

+Your 7:30am ochem lab will kill you a little on the inside but you'll pull a B out of it.

+Enjoy both semesters & the summer. Don't stress over your heart, it will only make you sick and won't help ANYthing. Just hang out with your girlfriends & let time pass. Time & chocolate are the only things that will partially heal it. Don't be too eager to give it back away either. Let God bring you someone, don't go chasing after anybody, it won't work. Study more in school, don't slack, especially in linear. Enjoy life more but don't always hold back the tears.

I'm looking forward to a new year, a new me :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


No this isn't going to be about my sappy nonexistent love life again. I'm through writing about that because it's being put on the back burner for a longgg time (well until I'm not as stressed with school haha)
I just was reading this girls formspring who is still in high school and I must say I was so surprised by it. She basically said she slept with a guy for the first time because he finally was the guy she was looking for & she's in love with him. It got me thinking. It seems like girls are so eager to "do it" with their "serious" boyfriend once they hit high school because they feel they will be together forever. I'm not writing this to condemn those who choose to go to that next level with their bf/gf in high school. I just feel that you should be wary and consider postponing it until you are financially able to take care of a child in case an "ooops" moment happens. Also, you go through SO much in high school and taking that next step in your relationship almost cements an emotional bond. Things are bound to happen and everybody is still changing so relationships hardly last. If you break up with that person, it will be 10x harder. I'm not saying this happens to everybody but I'm also not saying you are the exception either. From my graduating class (granted I've been out of high school now for almost two years) I know of one couple who dated in high school that are still together now. One. Out of 400 people in my class. I'm not trying to be harsh, just a realist. I chose not to take that step in high school with my relationships and I'm glad I didnt. The relationships didn't last and I know if I had taken that next step, the breakup would have been even harder. I still choose even now not to do it in college just because I know how distracting it would be from school. This entry mainly was just to say please think VERY carefully before you choose to go to that next level in your relationship and even continue if you have already started.
Hope everyone is having a great break!

Friday, December 17, 2010


Christmas has finally rounded the corner and it makes me both happy and sad.
Happy because no more school for three weeks and being able to celebrate the birth of our Saviour with my closest friends and family :)
Sad because it makes me miss last year.
Don't get me wrong, this semester has been great with the exception of ochem killing me a little on the inside.
I just miss certain things that I shouldn't miss and the season makes me think about it more. Plus I just watched a certain movie that brought up some memories.
However, I think I have met the most amazing people this semester at school (or home as I keep referring to it haha) It's definitely not the same as last year but in a way it is better. I love my life simply from the amazing people I've met and grown close to.
Life is really good right now and I don't need to dwell on what I don't have anymore but rather appreciate what's currently in it.
I hope everyone has a wonderful break and a Merry Christmas!