Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Friday, June 25, 2010

"We've got barefoot ladies & tricked out Mercedes"

"New friends & blue skies that never end
Hey, that's the way we like it
Good times, sunshine & summertime."

I still have not figured out the answers to life and the reasons why people do things - I never will. But I've learned that it is always good to have that one friend or friends that are there for you when you need them the most. The friend that you can call up at ANY time and pour your heart out or call up and grab a cup of coffee with with no reason whatsoever.
That is a true friend - that is a best friend.
I am so blessed to have more than one of these.
I have one truly best friend who I can pretty much talk about anything with. And then I have other really good ones who I know care about me and will always be there for me, that I treasure immensely.
That gets me through the toughest days and the days I just want to give up.
And if you find yourself questioning a friendship, just ask yourself, is this friendship a one way street? What ways am I benefiting from this friendship?

"You can't live your life for other people. You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love."
— Nicholas Sparks

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Oh Life, why must you be so difficult sometimes?

I wish I could let go of things in the past easier...they seem to be coming back more and more and I have a difficult time letting them go completely. I then start to dwell on them and that gets in the way of things I'm doing now. I thought I had completely erased them from thought but now thats not looking that way. Am I erasing other things that I shouldn't be erasing and not knowing it? Am I slowly going back to the lifestyle I did not want because I keep on dwelling? How ironic is that. I wish life was simpler.
This is happening because I've been straying away from God. I see it now. I've become so busy and wrapped up with seeing old friends and the boyfriend that I've put aside my quiet time with God that I told myself I would NOT do over the summer. I wasn't going to be the one who completely forgets everything I learned over the school year and go back to be some stereotypical mindless teenager with no cares like I did last summer. It's really hard to admit but I did that last summer and it seems like I'm heading that way now. Lord, Help me, please. Help me to come back to you and yearn to be close to you again. I really need you and no one else.