Love this song (:
So my spring break this year, wasn't the greatest. Those that know me, know why. I've been sick
all week, hoping it'd get better but it hasn't. I don't understand why people do what they do or the way they make people feel. It's all human nature I suppose. God's strength helping me has really got me through this. I talked to David H. a couple nights ago and he was going through a similar situation. People are selfish, ever since the fall of man. There's really nothing you can do to change home someone thinks or acts. I try to suppress what I'm feeling but it doesn't work well.
I see that I need to make some hard changes to my life in order to live for God. I keep pushing them to the side, not wanting to acknowledge that I need to make them but they keep coming back.
Please pray for me, it's a tough time.
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