Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Saturday, February 27, 2010

einstein coffee can always make me happy (:

so, a lot has happened since I wrote last.

I got into the medical house for next year! (it is a residential house at my school that you can stay in if you are going into the medical field) They let me join even though I'm going into pharmacy (or thinking about it). I'm really excited about it. No more berry! Even though I did really love staying in berry, just the signing in and all was a hassle sometimes.

On a side note, I can not believe this semester is almost halfway through! It really seems like yesterday that I started school. SO much has happened since then.

I visited the aquarium here with Charisse. Well actually she had to go for a project so I decided to tag along. I love anything dealing with aquatic life. I found out that you can volunteer there and I'm really hoping to for next year! It seems like a really great atmosphere and experience.

A little unhappier news...daniel and I broke up. It was for the best. He realized first that we just can't be in a relationship together now. Through much thinking, I realized that he is right. A relationship takes so much time in your life. I'm not saying I regret the last ten months we we're dating, they were quite amazing. But now, I can focus so much more on God and do so much more.

Going to see the book of eli with Charisse today and hang with the girls at Morgans, yay! (:

Spring break in 1 week!

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