Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Monday, October 15, 2012

Side note

Just thought for those who follow me on here, I have created a new travel blog for the semester for my trip to Spain!


Monday, June 11, 2012

"Have a little faith in me"

Sometimes, ok not sometimes, quite a bit, I seem to lose my faith. Well, it more or less floats away from me and it takes me a while to find it again.
I forget though, no matter how many times I may seem to lose my faith, God never loses His in me. And that is such an uplifting fact to think about. No matter how many times I screw up or think things are never going to get better, God still has my life mapped out for me.

For those who may not know me as well, I have a tendency to act without thinking. Or at least I think its the right thing to do at the time.

I will never EVER claim to be perfect or that I always do the right thing. Far, far from it. If I seem to come off that way or portray that vibe, I apologize profusely.

No, I struggle with many, many things. Each day is a constant battle of right and wrong for me.

People will always make mistakes, it's how you deal with them that defines what kind of person you are.

And that's what I try to do, I try to deal with my imperfections. This isn't a one time "Oh, hey that's something I shouldn't be doing/saying. I'm going to stop now. The end."
If it's truly something you struggle with, it will never be fully gone or rather you will not be able to get rid of it in one sweep. It's a job, working day by day by day to take control of it. And even then, when you think you have full control you have to be on your guard because anything could happen.

They always say the worst times/things hit you when things are going really good. I don't think God is trying to do this as a way to be mean. He wants us to be happy and not to see us struggle.
I firmly believe though He does it as a means of strengthening us. How can we gain strength if we don't push ourselves?

Life is a everyday constant battle that will never be totally easy or hard. It will have its good moments, great moments and bad moments. Life is about treasuring the good ones and learning from the bad ones.
We are only truly defeated if we give up.
We must persevere on.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

So amazed at what I've seen, so much more than this old mind can hold.

I think I've quoted MercyMe before but I do absolutely love them. They can always help my thoughts center more on God and help me to re-evaluate my life. It reminds me of when I was younger and I chased and hungered after God with such a passion. I'm so glad I had that foundation even if one would call it a child like faith, having not hit with the reality of life and sin yet. I feel like if I didn't have what I had when I was younger then I might have really made some bad decisions going through the terrible moments in my life where I really strayed for God. But since I had that foundation, I knew, even though it took a long time sometimes, that God could only help me out of my pit I had fallen in.
I really hope that my sisters will discover the love of God as I did. I pray for them daily that they will.
Nobody truly knows the plan of God but sometimes you can reflect back on your life and kind of make out why things worked out the way they did and catch a fleeting glimpse of God's purpose.
I still don't know a hundred percent God's purpose for my life or where/what He wants me to do/go. I'm just taking each day as it comes and learning and growing from my mistakes.
It's really hard not to fall back into the ways of the world and do what everyone else is doing. I think that by dealing  and getting rid of certain things, I have been less stressed out and been able to focus more on God and be able to see what He wants me to do. I try now to have an excitement for each day He continues to let me live and do the most with my time. I truly love and enjoy my life. Not because it is "going good" or that I'm so blessed (even though I am) but because I see the beauty in it and I know that through everything, God has never left my side and has always walked with me where ever I have gone. To me, that is the greatest gift of all. I feel so much peace and always have felt it because I honestly and truly believe this.
I hope everyone is doing well and is able to feel the same peace I feel everyday. Love you all, Ginny.