Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7

Monday, December 28, 2009

one "late" morning...

For the first time since summer, or actually I can not remember, I slept til eleven. I'm not a sleep in past nine thirty person.This could do with the fact I did not go to bed until four. Once again, have not done that since I'm not sure when. I didn't mind though, just the groggy feeling waking up since I slept so long was not welcoming.
I wanted to write at least one more thing before the year came to a close.
My Christmas was wonderful. I'm so thankful for the birth of our Savior. Knowing what happened on that day and the knowledge my sins were paid for by Him makes the day even more wonderful. I received a lot of amazing gifts that I appreciate, each one of them. I'll do a quick breakdown of the day...
I got up at six to do a surprise I planned a few days before. I was really excited about it, just not about waking up so early. David and I opened presents at moms first with Rachel and Hannah. Afterwards, we headed to Dads to open presents there. We had to get all this done early because we were leaving to go to Greenville to visit family. I had a great time with them, family gatherings are always funny and interesting.
Lately I've been struggling with decisions that have been heavily weighing on my mind: family, relationships, school. Please pray for me, I would really appreciate it.
Now to end with a small story that warmed my heart so much,
Rachel and Hannah wanted to be picked up early from daycare because they were incredibly bored. We were going to see a movie but it was sold out so we needed something else to do. We decided to get Starbucks hot chocolate, grab the chalk and head out to chalk Daniel's driveway. After drawing a detailed portrait of the Hubbs' snowmen family on their driveway we headed back to my car. I decided to sing Father Abraham on the way back, a song we sang when I was Denver.
I was singing, stopped and said "Now join in!"
Hannah, "I don't know that song"
Me, "What?! What are they teaching now in Sunday School these days?"
So I continued to sing it by myself on the way to the car. When we got in the car and started driving off, she said, "Can you sing it again?"
So on the entire ride home, Father Abraham was sung.
I receive a call later that night from my mom. She said, "I wanted to thank you" I figured she was talking about watching the kids for the day. "Yes, but also for teaching Hannah Father Abraham. She got home and would not stop singing it. I remember the song from when I was little but had forgot all about it until she started singing it. It made me so happy when I heard her singing it, but now she won't stop singing!"
This made me so happy when mom told me this. If you have younger brothers or sisters, be careful what you say or do because they are watching you every single minute (:

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